Almost all electronic devices employ the principle of direct current (DC). They also use a transistor for their operation. Major electronic devices such as computers, LED (light emitting diodes) and other flat screen televisions, and mobile phones use a rectifier mounted that converts the AC (alternating current) power into DC power. An AC charger requires AC input. It has its own set of circuitry to convert the AC signal into a convenient signal for charging DC. On the other hand, DC charger, more commonly known as power bank, is the one that takes DC input. A power bank (DC charger) does not require a rectifier circuit to rectify an AC source. Power banks consist of current filtering components that provide stable and smooth output.
Electronic devices accept wide a range of voltages, provided the voltage is above the device battery’s voltage capacity. The device can get damaged if the voltage is too high. For instance, the power voltage rating is typically 5V or marginally higher than the device’s battery voltage. The difference can extend up to 12 V in some cases. AC signal is more prone to voltage fluctuations because it reverses its direction 120 times per second. The DC cycle is continuous. The device damage caused due to fluctuation is thus prevented using DC charger (power banks).
Major electronic gadgets play a vital role in the daily lives of people. Such gadgets include smartphones, cameras, gaming devices, tablets, and MP3 players. These devices require essentially high battery support to run. Battery of any of such a device cannot last very long due to the running of multiple applications and software at a given point in time. The device’s battery cannot last very long. This is where power banks play a vital role. A power bank is a portable, easy to use charger for all leading brands of smartphones, cameras, gaming devices, tablets, and MP3 players. High capacity power banks refer to how much charge is inside a power bank battery. It is measured in mAh or milliamps per hour. A power bank provides charging; some of the charge is lost in the transfer of power. It takes energy to transfer energy.
Based on type of high capacity power banks, the market can be segmented into economy class power bank (up to 3000 mAh), business class power banks (3,000 mAh to 10,000 mAh), and special class power bank (above 10,000 mAh). In terms of application, the market can be segmented into smartphones, tablets, gaming devices, and others. Based on region, the high capacity power banks market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific accounted for major share of the high capacity power banks market due to the rapid expansion of end-use industries in the region.
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Modern electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and gaming devices include mobile broadband, high-speed data access through Wi-Fi, web browsers (displaying standard web pages as well as mobile-optimized sites), social networking applications, and high resolution touchscreens are some of the major features that is driving electronics market, globally. With such electronic device singularly performing high functionality tasks, it will require continuous power charge to perform the work efficiently. Thus, the market for high capacity power banks Asia Pacific is expected to expand at a significant pace in the near future.
Key players operating in the high capacity power banks market include Beijing Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd., Lenovo Group Ltd., Microsoft Corp., Panasonic Corp., and Sony Corp.